The sensual pen of Author Ned Williams “letting touch tell one’s soul what mere words cannot convey” (Youtube Shout out)
Slipping Into Darkness is about the love we feel and the loving we share. It’s an attempt to describe with words the journey taken in each other’s company which starts as a treat for the eyes and becomes a feast for one’s soul. It is certainly a good thing when “experience brings forth appreciation from what was, originally, a purely visual fixation”. The words on these pages exist because of the feelings awakened when the desires aroused between lovers sets the passion they share fully aflame and create powerful emotions that strengthen and sanctify their physical connection until what began as a hurried touching of bodies transforms into an intimate merging of spirits. It is about “loving so perfect for me I kept coming back. And stayed close enough, long enough, to hear the way her soul sang to mine. And sang in tune with mine”. This collection is all about “letting touch tell one’s soul what mere words cannot convey”. It is about that tipping point when the phrase “I knew exactly what I had gotten. Yet I had no real clue what I actually had” makes sense to you. And you ask yourself, “how did I not see this before now?” Slipping Into Darkness is about losing yourself in the magic you create with each other while Making Love From A Love Connection as you both work your way into a Full Circle Love. As you continue reading, all at once or in stages, I do hope you will gain an understanding of the private realm created “as she breathes her sweet essence into your soul; and pulls the truth of your love from your mouth to her own with the simple magnificence of her kiss”.