The Highest point podcast shout out by Yaya Diamond — 2 Thumbs up!
#blackwomenpodcasters #shoutout #highestpointpodcast The Highest point podcast shout out by Yaya Diamond — 2 Thumbs up! Started this journey in music from originally writing poetry, then Spoken Word which soon after evolved into lyrics being part of a beat speaking to an audience in a very real and relatable way in 2010. From the small town of Windsor NC with 3 brothers and 1 sister, Kli-Max is the youngest who moved to a larger city Greensboro, to attend NC State University in 2004. This was an immediate change that brought on many negative and positive experiences in his life and soon found music to be the perfect outlet for a therapeutic way of dealing with all the things boggled up inside. The name Kli-Max originated for a specific reason and more than just face value, its the definition of always reaching for The Highest Point in life and never settling for less no matter your situation. Tune into his debut album PHASES on all digital platforms that gives a vivid look of all the different phases in life encountered from youth to adulthood that he experienced and many others will relate to. Your support is appreciated, together we can reach The Highest Point. Thank you