Premier UBN Opening, with Michelle Gibson from Piercing the Veil of Illusion — Nov. 1st
Premier Opening is November 7th. “Premier UBN Opening, with Michelle Gibson from Piercing the Veil of Illusion. Michelle Gibson is UnGuru Your Life’s Ensemble Educational Broadcasting Historian, and Liaison Correspondent for Happenings on UnGuru Broadcast Network”. UnGuru will establish a worldwide movement in which people can identify one another locally, based within Apolitical statuses, and enjoy differences in lifestyle, personal journeys, histories, and a respect for individualism and free thinking. Let us return to life without agendas but with autonomy, common sense ethics, honesty, transparency, honor and character. Those without agendas given by government institutions will pave the way for communities around the world to peacefully end corruption through conscious consumerism. Thus, we ensure our young families and youth are left with the keys to continue to repair our world.