Kanye West — Review of interview with Piers Morgan Uncensored — should we accept his apology again (Youtube video)
There are so many words that come to mind when I mention the name Kanye West, what comes to your mind?
I never want to look on the negative side of things, but if Kanye continues down this path he will end up back where he started. There is an old proverb that says “The same people you meet on your way to the top are the same people you will see on your way back down.”
Celebrities are prisoners to their own fame which makes life difficult. They really can’t go out in the public, shop for themselves outside of their whelm, or have fun without being attacked by fanatics(fans). I hope he can turn things around because I think he is a great talent.
In the meantime, here is my take on his latest interview. Comments are welcomed.