Join us in taking the next step to success
It has always been a dream of mine to have an event online we’re people can join in and talk about different things. I’ve seen it done so many times and yet I have yet to really bring myself to do it, but now is the time. Please join us for this amazing event on March 14th starting at 3 p.m. where we will be talking about mental health, the music industry, depression, women’s Health oh, and so much more.
This event is free and will be streaming live on
I would love for you to join us, comment, like, and subscribe because this is one of many more to come.
What can I say about this event? When you think about the world today we have strayed from the teachings they came from so many that have come before. We have definitely become a nation of depressed and undecided people. This event is to help us get back on track, dig in, and begin the healing that we so desperately need. I appreciate everyone who is speaking and everyone who is joining in on the conversation, please share and I look forward to seeing you there.