“Intrigued by the Connection Between Sex, Love, Money and God? Listen to This!” (Podcast interview)
Betty Jones Married to her handsome husband Shep Jones, who’s been her motivator, best friend and lover for 39 years. They have 6 children 21 grandchildren, 17 great grandchildren and counting. I have written and published one Play for children. Call Lord save my children following many more to come. My first book series Sex Love Money and then God was written from all the life issue that I have experience with my marriage life. Following a form of a novel story of different woman, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers and friends . Somebody has experience these issues in life. The life story that all the families is going throw, I lived it day in my marriage and life each day, month or year my life play out as if it would never end. As a result drama day after day, it was an issue involving the contents of my book Sex Love Money and then God. People as me today why did I mention god last. My answer, when do we ever put God first. Henceforth I am so grateful that God is the center, first and last in my life. Because know when these issue comes about I can handle them a lot more with God. As a result when I begin creative writing of my first book Sex Love Money and then God. In the beginning of my writing I only knew how to write the book and not type. There for it took a long time to type the manuscript out. But my context can from the life experiences of each word. All the while as I write the story of my life into fictional the character voice and names got very strong and intense in the book. Henceforth after writing this book, is a five part series following the issues in our relationships how we should handle them in a Godly matter and not our own.
We learn in life the hard way. Have you ever been in a relationship where life seems to bring you to a crossroad? Sex is good, love is crazy, and our money is funny. We find out that in relationships and marriages our dreams and hopes sometimes die. So we can’t seem to find a way out. Many nights we cry and pray and cry and pray. Life seems confusing and broken. Yet we still love that person. Torn between what’s real, never getting any satisfaction. So we decide to stay for the Money .Yet the money is never enough. So then we decide to stay for the sex. Yet sex is just a heated mount or desire that goes away after one night. We stay for love because it feels good. We seem to have it all. But on the inside we are confused and frustrated all the times. Then one day we realize that only God can, and will fix it all. In this book, I hope the readers find a true way out and also enjoys the ride of reading Sex, Love, Money and then God.