Interview with VIN ZEELAND — Author of Life with Zippy
The inspiration for the Life With Zippy Series came from raising four daughters. As I watched each child develop and grow I learned more from them than I could ever teach them. Each stage was an adventure and delightful experience; well most of the time it was an adventure.
It was when they developed speech that I was struck by their perspective. Especially the questions. Their interests were all so different from each other. It was like herding cats.
Now they are grown. But the memories of their words, actions, and zest for life impacted me deeply. My heart grew bigger and my disposition softened.
Over the years I realized how important it is to nurture strong, interdependent girls to become healthier independent women. I am the beneficiary of the blessing of raising four daughters.
Now is my opportunity to capture those experiences and deliver them in story form; with some embellishment; of course. Each story in the Life With Zippy Series touches on different aspects of character and personal values. The stories illustrate healthy family dynamics of love and respect, problem-solving, harnessing creativity, learning wisdom, and living out healthy values.
One of the values I learned from having daughters is being connected in communication. The communication of not just speaking; but active listening. That’s why books are so important. Books teach us communication skills. I remember reading books every night, along with prayers. The laughter, the tickling, the comforting, and trust-building that developed over the years. Those are the moments that inspired the Life With Zippy Series.
It’s my prayer that the Life With Zippy Series will become some of your child’s favorite stories. That reading these stories will help build a stronger bond and secure attachment. Lastly that it will inspire your child to fall in love with the good things in life.
Author, Musician, Relationship Coach, Dad, & Grandpa
Vin Zeeland was born in South East Wisconsin. He spent his childhood developing his communication skills through music, conversation, and reading. A love for writing came while he was in college. But writing children’s books came much later in life. His career began with writing, recording, and touring in the music industry. With his first album under his belt, Vin became a dad.
As the years rolled on Vin went to college, embarked on a speaking career, recorded another album, and added three more daughters to his family. That’s when things got interesting. During the economic downturn of 2008, the family moved to California to take up farming in the beautiful Cascade mountains. They stayed in California for two years and moved back to Wisconsin. Vin resides in Texas and Wisconsin. His children are grown, his grandchildren are growing.
He spends his day reading, writing, relationship coaching, and marketing. Vin still writes solo music under the name Ruthies Space Bus. He is currently writing another Children’s Series highlighting Texas culture. Check back often for Zeeland’s Young Adult Fiction, and Short Stories too.
Vin is a Foodie, loves reading, writing, storytelling, traveling to National Parks, and exploring Museums.