Interview with author Lars Werner about his breakout book on Amazon (Podcast)
My first book is entitled My Double Identities as Hunter & Detective and Outcast & Victim. This talks about Noman Skeleton who is the first to trust the Americans more than he should and then have to leave the university as a failure… and this was unfair, but maybe a good experience — empiric data!
Those identities do refer to 027 Warner Bond and Noman.
Skeleton in my book texts describing my experiences and what was going on in the less lawful society where some persons are invented and some persons have other names and in this way, I push the story forward which happen to take place in a certain BAD Department in a certain University of Monte Fresco where I had become a test-person without my knowledge and then I left the University but not my situation as a test-person. Yes, I became aware of being a test-person writing books.