Empowering Girls: A Tale of Three Sisters by Rowena
00:00:00 — Introduction to Yaya Diamond and Her Journey
00:02:24 — Writing Inspiration from the Sierra Mountains
00:04:28 — Creating Characters Based on Real Personalities
00:06:23 — Themes of Empowerment in Book Series
00:08:34 — Advice for Aspiring Authors and Parents
00:10:37 — Trust and Faith: Key Messages in Books
00:12:33 — Balancing Writing with Health Coaching
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Dream chasers presents an episode filled with inspiration and creativity as Yaya Diamond interviews Rowena Banks, the author behind ‘A Tale of Three Sisters.’ Marina’s journey to becoming an author is a fascinating one, starting from her days of homeschooling and the need to keep busy. Her books are inspired by the real-life adventures of her three daughters, capturing their mischievous and adventurous spirits. Through her storytelling, Rowena aims to empower young girls, encouraging them to trust themselves and each other.
This episode offers valuable insights for parents and aspiring writers alike, as Rowena discusses the importance of giving children freedom within safe boundaries and the process of turning daydreams into written words. Join us for an engaging conversation that highlights the joys and challenges of parenting, the magic of storytelling, and the power of imagination.