Cut your health care costs now with tips for lowering insurance premiums — Kat Schlothauer — YouTube

The Yaya Diamond
54 min readFeb 23, 2023


Unedited transcription of youtube video interview:

I want to welcome you to Dream Chasers radio with me your host Yaya Diamond what’s up people how you doing oh my gosh today we have a subject that I have been waiting I mean waiting to do with this young lady that’s so so cool she is she is so knowledgeable we’re going to be talking about health insurance insurance and health field we’re going to try to cover as much as possible and have cat here to help me welcome to the show girlfriend how you doing good how are you uh I’m happy to see you I haven’t seen you in a long time I know I love it I miss you I miss you too oh my gosh we’re gonna have to hang out okay so stop all right anyway so all right so let’s get into this tell everybody about yourself and and your role in the health industry yes so everybody I am cat schlattower I

am a licensed health insurance agent I’ve been doing this for about five and a half years I love what I do um my real job and mission is to get out there and educate people about health insurance but also ways to stack money in your bank with utilizing health insurance as a tool how do we do that well I educate you about the medical system I educate you about your health and I always lead the conversation you know about health because that’s how I’m able to help you shop for the best plan that way you are able to keep more money in your bank definitely yes yes definitely you know we were talking about before not just the health insurance but also the ways to keep your health healthy lifestyle so you know like instead of um you know depending on the medicine depending on your doctor depending on it but also doing something yourself to keep yourself out of the health

situation way I would say I I mean we were talking about diabetes and and um you know eating correctly and all that stuff and and how it would help your your bill and your insurance rates I mean is that still applicable in 2023 yes absolutely um to cover that a little bit more um most people are not educated that medications are going to cost what they’re going to cost until you sign up at Pharmacy right and by then you’re in the wrong policy per se or you’re not exactly sure what plan to pick because you weren’t educated more about your doctor’s process right so we’re not educated enough on the doctor’s process as far as what the next three months six months to a year of what this will look like when you have a health condition that’s very expensive type 1 type 2 diabetes uh national average you know to maintain a health condition is over eight thousand dollars a year you know

between doctors visits labs and medications and you know when you take a look at you know and you have the mindset of health is wealth you need to explore outside of the normal Realm of the doctor’s process because we have the ability to control our health you know we have the ability to really get out there and you know give a tip to a friend who might need to hear it you know hey I see that you’re eating a box of donuts you know why don’t you try you know a sugar-free or why don’t you try this the appetite your sweet tooth right so you know even just you know ping pong effect off of friends and family but question is why are we not accepting that you know why are we just accepting that poor health is okay and the consequences we pay later is high insurance rates High deductible plans policies that don’t make sense on the

co-insurance level and we’re not receiving what we thought we were getting you know when we go through this process you know it’s hard there’s so many plans out there I mean there’s a plan for this and there’s a plan for that and then there’s a plan for that and this and then there’s a plan for that over there you know so what can a person do you know I know that everybody has different situations so you might have type 1 diabetes you’re born with it type 2 is usually diet and exercise the lack thereof okay I’m just gonna say it because that’s you know I was headed toward that direction and I think a lot of people are and just don’t know it okay um and then you have cancer and then you have a healthy person who all of a sudden just has a spout of on you know unlucky health issues um I mean what do you do how do you choose a basic policy for yourself I mean what do you look for so typically in a health plan when you

are looking at trying to shop for the best options you have to look at more than one thing you got to look at the network of the plan because most of the time when you’re looking at networks when it comes to a health insurance plan you know it tells you how you can utilize your policy flexibility you know doctors utilization from State Line coverage if you travel and then you have to take a look at you know do I want to plan that’s going to have low co-pays with a low deductible because to manage these higher Health crime or chronic health conditions you would need a low deductible with low co-pay policies you know to pick up the tab and to have adequate co-insurances where the health insurance company is spending more and you’re spending what you need to spend towards your deductible and it’s manageable on the co-pay and deductible side because when you look at policies that are higher than a two thousand dollar deductible and above well then now you start to really look at okay do

I have this amount of money in the bank because if you don’t now we’re looking at an expensive policy here because all you’re chasing is the premium the premium of the plan and how it’s priced well there’s two factors for it either it’s based on your income and not everybody is low income some people are high income some people are next level income right and the policies that you’re going to look at as a result of chronic Health are pretty pricey um I mean the average 50 year old right now with a low deductible plan you’re looking at 1200 and above depending on the state that you live in right just to get medical care coverage adequately done on a health insurance plan right because the medical system and Pharmacy coverage is expensive let’s be real I mean it’s really expensive I mean insulin pens you know depending on how many boxes you need I mean you’re going to be looking at two to three thousand dollars just manage it and so you need a plan

like that oh that hurts that hurts I mean but people I mean a lot of people don’t have 1200 so we’re looking at people who are disabled um we’re looking at people who may not have that that job they’re working at Walmart you know what I mean and that’s all they make a month how are they doing that well some people are in employer plans but again with an employer plan yes the employer is going to you know do their contribution sponsor the person’s health insurance plan to a certain percentage but the employers picking out those plans so some of the plans you may look at are still going to be high deductible plans and if you don’t know what you’re looking at and you don’t understand what you’re looking at even though the employer is subsidizing your policy you’re still out of pocket a heck ton out of the bank every year and there’s not enough level of Education even in HR departments that are educating people how to select the right plan and when they get into it because

when you get into a health insurance plan with a employer I mean you’re locked in for 12 months so think about that 12 months you’re locked into a plan you can’t get out of because you were not educated about the policy and about your health and that right there is lack thereof education is why more people have medical debt than what they ever thought before okay because they’re not being educated on their health properly they’re not being educated on health insurance plans and policies appropriately so yeah so what should okay so on this front what should people do before they pin their name on that dotted line well they have to think about their health and they have to think about it is how many times per year are they going to the doctor outside of well women’s exam and annual gentleman’s exam right you know are you going to the specialist a couple times a year are you going and seeing the lab facility a couple times a year you know how many

times are you going to urgent care if you had to reflect how many times per year do you go to ER and that right there is going to set the toe for what you need to look at with inside of a Health Plan copay versus no copay a low deductible plan if somebody never ever went to the doctor well then a high deductible plan could be beneficial what about HSA that also can help but hsas only work for healthy people as an investment tool year after year you know to Stacks more cash so for the everyday person that might have a chronic health condition you know you really have to meet with your doctor have those tough hard conversations with your doctor and stay listed you know what is my process here what can I do to get better what can I do to not miss any more time from work and you know go about it that way but typically plans that are going to be based on income are going to work well but even with the federal government subsidizing someone’s premiums you know

on that front you still have pretty pricey plans when you actually get into the deductibles and co-pays of these policies the policies that are offered on the health care exchanges are mostly High deductible High co-pays and limited network plans meaning that the insurance companies are putting hmos and EPO network type of style of policies out there for people because that’s what’s going to limit the spending of the insured think about this if they’re limiting your spending because they know you’re going to go out of network and they know you’re not going to check that’s one way they’re not paying your bill the second thing is you know again they’re guaranteed issue policies so they’re going to find out ways on how to defer costs back to the insured and that’s how they’re doing it upping the deductibles upping the co-pays and that’s how they’re doing it on the front on the insurance side that way so

on one Avenue you have help on sponsorship for premium but really when you get into the plans unless you do a goal plan or a platinum plan and you have a higher risk condition you’re still paying pretty hefty on that amount because not all planned not all people fall into the same income brackets too it’s a scale on that that’s crazy so yeah people should go to Someone Like You and go for a plan that’s not necessarily in the network now let me ask you I mean in the normal like you know on the on the Obamacare or whatever they call it right right okay so but a lot of people are scared to do that first of all open enrollment just finished okay so you can’t really do that but they don’t tell you that open enrollment is finished but you can still get your plan and then have it go into effect in February and or or March you don’t it’s not like as if you can’t do it it’s just that you’re going to be stuck in this plan until the next the

next viable month basically right so unless you have a life-changing event right so life-changing events also come into where people are changing careers people are getting married people are having babies you know things like that right on the life-changing event side you know that also helps you know with people that fall into the in-between but people that are healthy you know they can get opportunities 365 days a year you know they don’t have to wait for a health care exchange you know right they can there’s a little bit more options outside of that on the private Health Plan side where it’s based on health to qualify but think about it if if it’s based on health to qualify then your rates are going to be based on that Health pool which means there’s going to be better plan opportunities because you’re not going to be in the same helpful dealing with the same type of plans as somebody else’s higher risk

we gotta stop right there so you’re telling me no matter the age just your health just sure yeah as long as they’re under the age of 65 because that’s Medicare and they’re over the age of 18. you know they can get a policy based on their health 365 days a year providing and qualify do they get the subsidy from the government or is that private private insurance doesn’t work on subsidies because that’s for lower income so you have two pools you know income based health-based plans so health-based plans are going to be really attractive on great for those that don’t qualify for subsidies because they make too much money you know they value their health they’re not going to the doctor’s office their next leveling and hustling in their business because they don’t have a health condition to worry about or a chronic health condition to worry about and see

everybody else that falls under that is going to be on income based because when you think about it are you spending that much time in your business if you’re an entrepreneur but you’re constantly at the doctor’s office so you’re gonna fall you’re going to lose money you’re going to fall in that category and that’s where the federal government will kick in and help that way okay but can people who actually qualify for the subsidy but don’t want to be on the subsidy because they can find a better plan over here and it may not be so much money a month but at least it’s better quality and they don’t have as a higher deductible they don’t have a high uh you know medical bill when they go to the emergency room the ER you know this is lower for them it I I mean throwing out a number I don’t know a hundred dollars a month in in comparison to every time they go to the doctor here is nine hundred dollars so is that a option for people yes as long as they feel the the monthly premium will work well with their budget

because there’s always going to be somebody that’s touching the line on the income right you know they’re right there up you know but here’s the thing where people get caught is in the subsidy Arena they want to look at your gross income before taxes right um and if you’re a business owner and you have business deductions they’re going to look at that as well they want to look at all of that you know for qualification they even look at your credit you know for verification to see you know who you are but again it’s a loan so what happens when you make too much money the subsidies go away you have to pay federal government back at the end of the year on your taxes see health-based you don’t have to worry about that right for that particular year a lot of people get scared because they’re like oh it’s for every year before that it’s like no it’s just that particular year so but if you come under let’s say that you know you come under the Esther because it’s a guesstimation basically they say well how much you think you’re going to make this year well they’re gonna I don’t know you know I’m freaking self-employed

this month I could be on the top of the world the next one I could be under it I mean you know it’s like okay I don’t know so what if you shoot for this you know goal and you just you you don’t make the goal you don’t make it what happens then you don’t pay anything back there you go you don’t pay anything back but but then the cycle comes into uh especially for people that put themselves in that box year after year you know you got to ask yourself you know am I making the minimal income for the sake of health insurance and what does that do for my family what does that do for me what does that do for my lifestyle you got to think about that is it worth rolling the dice with your income and you’re in this box that you can’t get out of because year after year you’re going to be penalized right right so that’s so get out of that so I help people with that you know because there have been people that have had to pay a lot of the money back and I’m not

talking hundreds I’m talking thousands on top of what they already owe for taxes because no one educated them the Catch-22 on how subsidies work when you’re rolling the dice with the federal government that’s right and I want to warn people too you know if you’re going to be buying and purchasing a home and you can’t be deducting a lot of uh write-offs for that year you’re gonna have to pay some of that money back because when I bought my house I couldn’t write off certain things that year and so I had to leave the income there and that’s when they got me for the actual subsidy so you gotta watch out you may make sure that you have everything you got this planned out make sure you’re ready for that because you know the moment that you purchase something that’s big like that they’re gonna look at that and they’re gonna be like well you could afford that you’re paying this back so I ended up paying like 3 000 back it wasn’t too bad but it was still I had to pay 3000 plus what I owed on my taxes

um so it was it was a good chunk of money that year wow yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean you don’t want to have to pay you know because May comes then you get an email then you have to make a payment plan and I thank goodness I had it I had it I was ready for it so again if you’re you know if you’re making these purchases just remember that you have to leave that money there you can’t be writing that off that’s it it’s it’s done you have to pay it back yeah absolutely yeah so there’s all kinds of different Health laws coming into effect for 2023 and then last year Roe versus Wade gets overturned and now we have more health issues with the health issues that we didn’t have before because we were able to do certain things now we can’t do these things I wanted to talk about that and I know that’s a little controversial but it’s still part of the Health Care System it’s still part of the insurance and it’s boosting our insurance rates up

as well all right right you know so that’s crazy it is very crazy you know what’s going on um the health based on the states um that overturned uh the law because it is based on the state you know the health plans have to change with state law you know as we know um health insurance is regulated and the rates and the networks and the type of plans that are decided on the public health care exchange for different states um now the states that have their own State exchange like New York Maryland Nevada for example you know those States operate on the same caliber you know it’s just a different way on how they process you know the public market for insurance but the plans have to change as long as you know with the state law accordance you know a medically necessary is a huge gray area in these health plans now

huge gray area you know just like with Emergency Care coverage for a second you know we look at a health plan and it says you know if you have an emergency you know ER visit if you have emergency transportation you got to look at the limitations section on the health plan box right and you got to look at those limitations right it’s the same thing there’s this gray area of a medically necessary emergency situation same thing as medically nicest Theory termination of pregnancy right and there’s a whole new conversation you have to have with the insurance company now to even find out based on your situation based on the state law that determines your situation whether or not it’s covered or not and whether or not you have to talk to your doctor yes you know medicine is hard enough to afford I’m sorry you know insulin and then you have of course you have um a lot of women who cannot get pregnant and they have the IUD well

guess what a lot of states have banned you know the IUD uh birth control uh they banned it like you can’t get it and these women can die without it like I’m flabbergasted at the fact that they’re taking things away that would actually if they didn’t have it would kill them it just it just doesn’t it baffles me so the health insurance and all the other stuff that’s going on it’s just and we’re all pulled together am I right am I wrong about this we’re also a healthy person that has qualified for insurance on the marketplace is is is pulled together with someone that has the the most detrimental they’re they’re on almost on their deathbed and you’re paying Insurance just like they are on the same plane question is you know do you want to pay

the same rate as somebody else right so like years ago with auto insurance you know some states are a little bit higher based on you know the driving in those States you know like Maryland for example because it’s so close to DC very high risk state right one would say but then you look at you know Michigan for example and then you look at Nevada and it’s totally two different you know Avenues there for driving but somebody based on the year making model and driving record of their vehicle is going to qualify differently compared to the person who has a DUI who has tickets and who gets in a lot of car accidents the difference is you know when it comes to underwriting for auto insurance the federal government is not involved it’s a topic they don’t even want to cover and yet this with health insurance they’ve put everybody in One pool and so if you’re healthy you’re going to pay the same rate if you’re a gentleman

you’re going to pay for prenatal care uh benefits whether you like it or not because that’s what’s built into these plans and so private insurance is also a way for to separate people out of certain Health pools putting them in plans that cert that will benefit them even based on gender let me think about it I mean if you’re 50 years old gentlemen do you really want to pay for maternity benefits do you want to pay for prenatal care oh my gosh I didn’t know that that is crazy why would they if you’re paying for maternal care put a pillow in your stomach I’m not trying to tell you to do this but put a spill on your stomach walk in the office and see if you can get off of maternity okay you pay it for it okay okay airport I need to explain but I don’t know but I mean I’m just I’m making fun of it because literally I’m not telling you to do that what I’m saying is if that’s the case you should

get six weeks off if you’re paying for it come on come on that’s crazy that’s absolutely crazy and you know I mean oh I’m sorry well I mean there’s a lot of things that are tucked into these plans that just people are just not aware with you know like if you have no children under the age of 12 your children are in college or maybe you’re you know you have children that are in middle school why do you want to pay for vision and dental plans for Pediatrics for children under the age of 12. because that’s also what’s built into these health plans instead of a stand-alone Dental or Vision plan for these kids to get adequate Dental Care inadequate Vision Care they built it into the health plans because of the lower income families who couldn’t afford vision and dental insurance for them to be able to obtain those benefits see that’s what most people don’t look at is all of what’s built into this plan and you think okay well do I need all of this do I have all of this going on and does all of this benefit me in my lifestyle most times no

it doesn’t depending on gender and age group and you know what your lifestyle is I’m upset I’m upset I’m upset to even think you know I went to my home insurance company and I said I live in South Florida why am I paying for ice and snow it’s already in there you can’t take it out it’s built into the plan and you can’t not pay for it because it’s just one big piece it’s just like that health insurance is just like that if you’re a guy and you’re paying for maternity leave why are you paying for maternity leave for who okay for who are you paying who is this money going to I want to know where that portion of my money is going to for

someone else’s maternity leave because if that’s the case I want those six weeks I’m just saying I’ll be upset I would be like look uh I’ll take a vacation I think I have a stomach ache I mean you’re paying for it you’re paying it for it but it’s just like it’s just okay so a private company is better if you can afford it the biggest thing that I’m looking at is the changes that happened last year that are now in effect this year especially I’m gonna go there and I know that like I said before you have you have the abortion thing and I’m neither for nor against what I am is every individual has a right to declare whatever they want to declare over their lives and they have to live with it that’s up to them what they want to do but when you have a 10 year old little girl that gets raped and has to have an abortion because it would kill her to have a baby but yet the actual state

says no she has to have that baby because the insurance won’t cover it that’s a problem the insurance companies you know they’re kind of like and I’m not defending them I’m just saying like from an insurance agent standpoint you know the insurance companies have to follow what state law is so if the governor is saying that this is what needs to happen the plans have to reflect that you know and that’s who determines rates networks and coverage you know of what the carriers can do every single year for raising rates deductibles co-pays it goes through the insurance commissioner and it also goes through the governor so think about that you know so an insurance company is going to say no because they have to because that’s the way the law is so then what do you have to do you got to fly to another state and then get your medical care taken care of that way question is how do you

have that conversation you know with another doctor that’s in another state who can help you for medically necessary and can help you first you know I I just it’s just it saddened me to see that we’ve come to this to this moment where I mean I understand there was another lady that the insurance company turned her down her baby was dead no heartbeat but she was past the point where you know the sixth I think it was 16 or 12 weeks or whatever she was spent so the baby died but after the the time was up for her to get the abortion and the baby was dead in her stomach she was carrying a dead baby they told her she had to carry it to term do you know how to psychologically damaging that is so she flew somewhere else to terminate a non-viable pregnancy

okay and she wanted the baby she didn’t want the baby to die I mean come on she wanted her baby but the baby was gone so what do you do about that you know we need to regulate where where there’s exceptions and there aren’t any this is the this is this is this is the moment where it makes me upset because yes okay we have insurance there to help people out but it’s supposed to help people out so in a in a real world sense that’s supposed to help the people we’re not doing that so who’s responsible who’s negligent and who should be charged with negligence if this 10 year old had to have this baby and she died on the table who you see where I’m coming from oh as the parents are gonna say somebody

because they couldn’t afford to send her somewhere and think think the most high they could but what if they couldn’t maybe they were that strapped for money and they couldn’t you see what I’m saying right who’s responsible because ultimately as a parent I’m charged somebody’s gonna somebody’s gonna get it somebody is responsible for this and it has to be thrown back to the state legister because that’s how the health insurance plans unfortunately have to be ran I mean again it’s regular it’s regulated right so like you know policies that and I looked at a couple policies before and after so it’s just interesting to see how as the map changes on how the laws in those states are now changing I not only have to be brushed up on National but I also have to be you know brushed up on each and every state that of somebody that I talk to and I always have to have that question with them listen you know in the event

and it’s very tough but in the event that you became pregnant and this was a situation you know here’s how your State’s now going to work and because of that here’s now what you have to plan for in the bank because your health plan no matter which one I pick out for you in the event of is not going to cover it so now I’m where I’m having to work with people on more of the financial Avenue of it is how much cash do you actually need to stack in the bank and if you don’t can you qualify for a loan if it does because at some point you know you know we can take a look at Health as a reason but outside of Health you know that’s what people have to kind of think about unless they move to a different state right and see if they move to a different state then they look at then they can look at plans in a different state because it’s a different market and then we can you know take a look that if your if your pregnant section in the health plan you know if

you know what’s covered what’s typically not covered and abortion is always right there as typically not covered but there’s an exclusion for medically necessary in the states that still operate you know for those to be able to get help but that comes down to the state legister and you know companies like Blue Cross Blue Shield United Healthcare and stick gun Aetna for example you know they have to follow what state law is even though it’s federal government regulated they still have to follow state law yeah yeah you know you were saying that you now have to be versed not only in your own state but in other states because you got people now crossing over the border to get what they need to get that little girl that crossed over the Border like that lady that was carrying that dead baby and didn’t want to carry that debate that that baby I think she was like five or six months pregnant she would have had to carry that baby for another three to four months dead Dead who knows what kind of health problems that would have caused her if

that baby would have ruptured inside of her or a problem would have happened I mean that is just and and okay I get it they have to but we need as as people who love other people as people who are supposed to be responsible for caring for your people that you’re over if you’re a governor if you’re you’re supposed to figure these things out and try to get these things in there as soon as possible for these situations because there are situations where there’s exceptions there’s gotta be it just can’t be everybody eat salad I’m sorry you know what I mean right that’s just the way it is but do you want people who are on blood thinners that can’t eat salad imagine that you know yeah they can’t because of the dressing style and salt and and that’s another thing too is what I’m also educating people on is get your

labs done because some states are set up different going back to the topic where you know you have a couple of weeks right you have enough in those week period where you can get blood work done and you can know right biologically if your child is going to have health problems or not or what the situation is going to be and I feel like a lot of people are scared to get those labs done because they don’t want to face that there could be a potential downside to being pregnant and what that can do for Women’s Health because you know with us women you know we’re the ones having the baby and our lives in which more than one person doesn’t want to talk about it is you know there are women that are dying doing due to childbirth yeah and you know a lot of the a lot of times you don’t know before 16 weeks you don’t it’s perfectly fine your pregnancy is

going perfect you get to like month six is like uh um uh we um uh and then what do you do exactly and by then in a lot of these states it’s too late because because again you can you have to get the labs before you’re pregnant you got to get Labs during pregnancy but right at the time when it starts to determine whether you’re high risk low risk when that change might happen in a lot of these states it’s way way too late whether you have a lab report done or not and it and you know the scary part for me is that women go back to the way they were doing this before abortion was legal and and that is probably happening now but nobody knows about it and what they’re putting their emotionally through and then that covers mental health right and right now what we’re seeing current in news is you know a lot of Mental Health doctors from

psychiatrists and therapists you know they want they’re cutting contracts with insurance companies because of money you know they have to take on more patience to make up for it because insurance companies if they’re contracted with are you know going to reduce their rates or whatever the case is depending on the plan that the person you know or the carrier you know with those contracts and what happened to going to the focus of the person versus the dollar in in a doctor’s pocket but see this is how the system is right it’s about the dollars so you know so a lot of people who need mental health you know to see the right doctor what I’m having to educate them in is little by little like Illinois right now um you know they’re one of the states right now that’s pretty hot on the topic of where a lot of doctors are cutting contracts with insurance companies and so um yeah so now I’m having to help people

strategize out of the box you know what can you do you know to still keep you leveled in your mental health while you try to see a doctor that you may have to pay for out of pocket right right so does that mean vitamin B in your diet because that’s the supplement that’s good for you know Positive Vibes maybe you have to take a nature walk or maybe you have you have a high risk job and you’re not able to go to the gym as much but you can Journal right right different things like that that are cost effective and friendly for people you know and then when they’re ready you know there’s other programs available outside of insurance that people can look to for help for mental health but that is the subsequence of what’s happening with Rover’s way absolutely yeah and you that a lot okay so getting off abortion and going on to mental health you got so many people that have these mental health issues especially after covet because you know we were all crammed in the homes I mean we were having like what is that Cabin Fever I

mean I was going crazy I mean you you can’t go anywhere you can’t go out you can’t see your friends you can’t see your family and all of a sudden now you can and then they’re telling you that there’s a new variant and then you’re they’re telling you like I had a a family member of mine uh living in a different country and they made them get the boosters now she has cancer but she didn’t have cancer the boosters gave her cancer this is what the doctors say now this is a different country so they’re doing a different a different version of whatever they’re doing it’s a different uh not what we have in the United States but she’s so sensitive and my family’s so sensitive to medications that we really can’t take medicine so when if we’re in my family if we smoke we get cancer if you do uh sugar you get diabetes I mean literally my family is just so sensitive to it so overtaking anything will give you whatever in my family so

but we have to do the vitamins and the herbs and stuff that works just fine if we get a headache it’s a half of an Advil not a full one okay because then you feel weird and you get sick right so you know it’s like okay certain people have certain things in their family line and their genetics and you have to account for that again you can’t say everybody eat salad you know every everybody I don’t care you know here’s a salad this is your first meal every day you can’t do that or you know everybody eat beef you can’t do that either right you know so I mean this is what I always say you know to people is listen we are all created beautifully and equal but our health because we were given the right of choice our health is different from the person next to you the person you meet at the grocery store the people that you know pick you up on Uber right therefore

why is our health being treated so cookie cutter when we’re not cookie cutter based on our health right so I like to help people with an out of the box approach even when it comes to Insurance because knowing that your health isn’t cookie cutter you know there is a plan for you you know that can help you with it you know it’s just a matter of assessment and knowing what you want what you don’t want what your health is what your health is not and what can I do I mean I also refer clients to doctors for second opinions because I think a second opinion is worth an Avenue to finding out the facts because once you sign the commitment of a prescription at the pharmacist it’s yours it’s yours right and I feel like there’s too many people saying yes because it’s a doctor in a white coat versus people saying no let me think about it let me let me let me check let me research and let me see if

this is for me and let me get a second opinion because too many people are seeing that or afraid of a second opinion because what if that second opinion is game changer and really the first doctor who attempted to diagnose you is actually wrong right and that does happen more so than what you think it does it happens more than what yeah it happened to me it definitely happened to me more than what was if I would have gone with what that doctor told me I would have been on two different medications that I don’t need right you know right so yeah you got it no matter the price right yeah you have to you have to get a second opinion you have that is your right to actually say wait a minute wait you know I I know I don’t have that I know that that’s not what it is let me get a different opinion if it is then okay I’m sorry but let me let me go to the second second doctor but then you have to think

about your insurance will it cover it right and a lot of policies will yeah you know question is if you’re in a limited network plan like an HMO for example well then that means you got to go back to square one you got to get a referral to then see the second opinion question is do you want to do that yeah but if it’s a way to save you money because you’re going to be diagnosed properly maybe the second time versus the first time I think it’s worth a call right you know but if you’re on a PPO plan where you don’t have referrals well then utilize it utilize your right to get a second opinion and you might discover that through the second doctor if you’re if it’s right it’s right at least you discovered it but what if the next doctor’s like you know what I see that this doctor pulled this lab but didn’t pull this I’m gonna pull these and check this out because maybe this is the root of what’s really going on right you know

but medications right you have different tears and medications but nobody is researching how much these cost and then you jump and then you think you get to Pharmacy oh my you know and you’re expecting 25 dollars but really the Bill’s 600 no right and who’s holding the doctor accountable you know when you when you look at GoodRx for example you can download it on your phone it’s super cool and what happens is this Magic app you can put in the prescription and the dose it’s right there at the doctor and you can price shop read the side effects before you say yes because what if those side effects are going to create another health condition with another medication and it’s just this endless cycle yep next you know you’re on 10 medications for the one thing that you have problems with that now you have 10 problems but yet the doctor is like well this is what I’m going to give you for this and this and this and this and this and you’re thinking okay

is the doctor getting paid because I feel like I’m being sold let’s just hit that ah yeah right now they own you now they own you now they own you you know a lot of these Health not all but a lot of health problems can be resolved with exercise diet maybe some supplements and things like that maybe a lifestyle change a nutritionist should come into play um and and I have a nutritionist on my insurance plan but some people don’t I mean the ultimate thing is what should people do ultimately even now today open enrollment is done but still let’s let’s just look at today we’ll forget open enrollment let’s talk health should they go to someone like you and talk about the plans and see what they have and see what fits them and see what’s best for them for now into the

future yes and the reason is because I can always give like an education piece and really go over their plan with them right so a short story um happened the other day um had a conversation with a gentleman in Georgia and you know he has been saying you know I don’t like the way this Anthem Blue Cross plan is paying for stuff and I said let’s talk about it and he’s like I said what did you feel that was the most out of your pocket he said labs I went over his benefits with him I said if you did you know that if you utilize utilize this lab work company that’s partnered with Blue Cross Anthem to be exact versus your doctor processing Labs at a hospital where they make more money off of those labs less than is also patient responsibility you’re going to save more money with a Lab company that’s contracted with the insurance company for on the same plan versus your doctor’s process

for your lab work that’s going to cost you more money it was worth a conversation because now he’s like okay I’m like you’re on a great plan you just don’t know how to utilize it for your health [Music] wow I give tips about that you know any no matter the policy that people are on there’s an angle that I can look at and I can say okay well let’s here’s where your focus points are let’s let’s break down what those Focus points are now let’s offer Solutions not saying that your doctor’s process is wrong let’s just find a different avenue with you still getting what you need but it’s being handled out of the box versus in your doctor’s wheelhouse that’s going to cost you more money I mean Radiology I can’t even I mean that’s really expensive you go to you go to a hospital to get an MRI done I mean or a breast MRI right or you know a diagnostic MRI for example for us women

well you’re gonna you wonder why you have a huge bill because it’s done at a hospital versus done in a radiology clinic for example it pays better that you’re going to get better service you’re not going to get treated like a number but you still get what you need you’re still getting the service performed you’re just out of the box a different Avenue and utilizing you know a radiology facility and clinic and you’re going about it that way as a way to save money but still maximizing your plan still getting what you need those kind of things I like to give advice about too it’s worth a discussion if I can’t help you outside of your plan you know with switching policies you know right I mean there’s just there’s some things that we can resolve and then there’s some things that are just going to have to remain the same like pregnancy uh you know and things like that problems with pregnancy after the the certain cut off day or week or if you’re in a in a state or a city that doesn’t allow it you do have

to go somewhere else that does um you do is that possible how can you you are going to have to pay for that abortion or do you go to an abortion clinic how does that work today so here’s one thing that you have to pay attention to and I started doing this as of recently honestly because some health insurance companies you’re going to see in a specific demographic side of the state for example or country you know like you’ll see a health insurance carrier on the western side of the state but yet you go to the east you’re at a network right but yet you look at that same carrier and now you’re able to pull a coverage map on the other states that they’re in and as long as they’re in another state that’s off the state exchange if you have a you know a Marketplace plan versus employer well now you have more options to look at but you then has the question of okay do I need a referral right and

if you are on an HMO because the doctor you need to see is a specialist now how do you have the conversation to get the referral done right that’s the next question how do you have the conversation with the doctor that’s in that yes there’s a certain way of doing it because your doctor can get in trouble no how is that done so what I always like to give advice about is say listen you know hey if I were to future tense if I if this were to happen to me would you be able to write a referral to me for me to see a doctor out of the state you know for me to get help my plan will cover it if I go to this state this state this day what does that look like how would that look like for me you know just rough edges you know you’re not committing that this is going on but your future tense having this conversation and knowing what it is right right and then you’re able to then call the insurance company and say

listen I understand that currently you’re also in this state this state and this state if I had this situation and I was covered in any of these three other states that could help me for the situation how would it be covered and what would be my next steps because if it’s medically necessary would I need a referral would I not need a referral if it’s not medically necessary and it’s an emergency situation where I’m good I’m miscarrying right because that happens yeah what does that look like for that either right what does that look like for me on the insurance side if I were to if this were to happen right and the insurance company has no choice but to tell you the facts because you know what no matter the state you know they can look that up and say you know like if it’s in better health for example and they’re in Florida which they’re also in Georgia but they’re also in you know South Carolina for example you can pull those

three states and say okay this and look at your options and and better will tell you what the facts are they have to um and then your doctor you know you have to get really clear with your doctor and say listen if this were to happen and my plan requires a referral how would we go about this if you if I come across the situation and would the doctor not do the referral and if the doctor can’t do the referral then you have to pay for it out of pocket and you have to invest into money into it that’s the only way it’s the only way and a woman who is having a miscarriage if they can’t do a lot of times they won’t do anything they can’t do anything I mean there are some there are some miscarriages that require medical assistance you know they do in a hospital in the ER situation like it’s go time it’s it’s it’s you don’t it’s treated the same caliber as an injury or shock trauma

sometimes like you get rushed in you know it it’s it’s treated almost the same way you know just like if you’re delivering a brand new baby babies come when they’re gonna come right yeah and the same thing happened with the miscarriage a miscarriage going to happen when it’s going to happen you can’t predict it it just does right and sometimes with not enough Medical Care you know even in Urgent Care can’t help you you did you know that urgent cares if you went to an urgent care they have to send you to ER because you’re pregnant even though they’re faster with treating you right and so there’s some stipula on that why is that why can’t we go to an urgent care to get help why does it have to be a hospital where it’s documented and this is a situation that’s happening where it’s more money out of pocket right yeah you know yeah it gets tricky it’s crazy it’s crazy and that’s that’s my concern you know my biggest concern is okay so some of these women will find uh these

these um doctors that aren’t really doctors to actually perform the procedure and then we have more women that are dying unnecessarily and that was really why Robert versus Wade was put into effect in the first place one of the reasons at least because of all of them you know all of the women getting abortions with coat hangers and things like that I don’t know I’m just gonna go there you know we we need to be aware that this is not going to stop women are not going to stop having abortions just because the insurance companies won’t cover it just because the the state says no you can’t they don’t care they don’t care they’re going to do it so we need to make sure that we are taking care of the people that we’re over loving and caring for people has nothing to do with oh the insurance doesn’t cover it right it’s just loving and caring for people insurance is there to love and care for

the person to insure them that they will be as much cared for and okay as possible when they walk in the door for a medically uh needed procedure correct and that’s not happening and it’s not happening for cancer and it’s not happening for diabetes it’s not happening for pregnancy emergencies it’s not happening because we’re all being grouped into one one big lump sum of stupidness that doesn’t fit everybody right and that’s the problem yeah that’s the problem at the source and you know we got it we’re going to pay for it some way right so I always say you know if you want lower at a pocket cost you know for medical care and you’re on a higher Premium plan

well what is it going to take for you to become low risk and how and what are these conversations that you need to have with your doctor to get real right because when you look at high price plans because that’s what’s necessary because the medical care is really expensive otherwise if we didn’t have medical care as pricey as it was which we are the highest in the entire world okay in the entire world we have the highest cost for medical care highest cost and yet we have some of the best doctors overseas than what we have over here oh yeah they’re going to leave they’re leaving they’re like doctors why would they stay here why would they stay here why yeah the best food over there they’ve banned all the bad stuff yeah okay all toxic food over here okay if you

have to you have the decision to make like you said you know you have to become low risk you have absolutely no choice but to try to become as low risk as possible if if any you know even if you have something try to make it lower I mean I’m I mean you know go for the Natural Foods go for the vitamins go for the exercise walk your dog an extra freaking Block Park far away to walk to the road I mean do certain things to make yourself lower risk like you said will that help you in the insurance at the end though so think about it like this right and I did a I did a reel on this because it’s all linked right so auto insurance the more drivers become safe the more they stop wrecking and they actually like you said are conscious and

you know sometimes we get brain fog because of sleep no sleep right but even that’s unsafe right but if on that perspective what happens auto insurance companies stop you know there’s not as much claims coming through so what do they do lower the rates health insurance if the medical system isn’t booming business and Pharma is not booming business because people are getting healthy people are thinking outside of the box for medical care supplements vitamins herbs things like that plus different doctors you know that actually care like or they’re seeking dietitians or nutritionists um or personal trainers right because sometimes we need help we don’t want to get injured but think about that if the risk factors go down and we stop seeing cancer 1.5 million and we see all that drop because people are getting healthy because people aren’t getting diagnosed with cancer people aren’t getting diagnosed with diabetes right

then insurance companies are going to drop the rates because the medical system is going to lose drop their rates think about it you know if we stop going to the doctors the doctors go out of business if we stop going to the dentist the dentist goes out of business right so and tooth health is just as important but with that being said insurance companies will drop their rates and then we’ll see rates back down to normal and then we’ll see different health plans and then we’ll see different opportunities for you know flexible networks again we’ll see deductibles that aren’t crazy and coinsurance that just doesn’t make sense I mean I’m seeing 75 25 coinsurance plans these days that’s weird but with all that you’re going to see different opportunities Sprout back up because now the risk factors are going back down people are getting healthy people don’t need medical care as much people aren’t spending money on drugs

and Pharmaceutical to trickle domino effect wow so I’m not saying that it’s our fault what I am saying is we need to make better choices and if we did that then we could get healthy and you know and in fact I think that the better choice actually puts the people who and the companies who are least leasing or laced their foods with toxic chemicals will be put out of business too and we will have only healthy choices or skin care products I mean I can share a couple different companies that are very toxic I mean they still test on animals and and the dermatologists are offering these same products because it’s a result of guess what it’s all gear to get you back you have allergic reaction now you need a medication now you’re going back now again you’re spending more money right it’s the same thing

with toxic skin care products it’s the same thing you know you know people are buying I mean there was um there was an article that was done um about some of the higher line makeup products you know that completely vegan I mean the only way you can get it is if you order directly from that particular site that’s offering it right like you know let’s think about for example like mac I mean not Mac but Jeffrey Freestar products for example you can only get his products through his site that’s it but there’s Amazon with different people selling those products but they’re actually not his products they’re they’re duplicate toxic products they’re they’re you know they’re it’s not his actual products the logo might look real but it’s actually not his products and people are buying them online mistakenly seeing that it’s his but it’s not and those products you use on your eyelashes your mascara your

lip balm you digest that you sprinkle it in your eyes and guess what now you have what another medical bill because now you need to see a doctor right so I think so I think if people got a little bit more education about where to go purchase correct Safe products even for skin care and if people were conscious I mean about their skin including tooth Health as well you know you’re gonna see different you’re going to see a difference there too dermatologist is going to be put out of business ophthalmologist is gonna you know yeah and we could do a little by little it’s not something that we can do all at once but definitely something we could do little by little you know I love these conversations because getting healthy is something that we need to do a lot of people say well you’re gonna die anyway well I’d rather die at 114 how old was that lady that just died she was like 114 years old and she fell asleep and then wake up I like that 114

years and then fall asleep and don’t wake up perfect perfect instead of 53 and still have like I don’t mean I mean come on right this cute story so my cousin is actually an ER nurse um and she was telling me about this 86 year old man and how he has never been on medications 86 years old perfect health no medications and he never eats fast food he always Cooks a home-cooked meal or he has an assistant cook a home-cooked meal yeah and no sugar except for fruit no medication he only goes every single year to Primary Care to get his annual gentleman’s care done that’s it that is amazing 86 years old that’s what we need to be vying for and there are there are okay I’m not gonna go there I’m gonna say there are candies out there that actually don’t have a lot of sugar in

them that just natural sugars from either the peanut butter and then you have the dark chocolate that’s a natural sugar it’s they’re not adding anything any cane sugar to it they’re not putting any artificial you’re just eating so a lot of people look at me and they say oh yeah yeah did you make apple pie yes I did what is in it apples and crust that’s apple pie and organic cinnamon yeah an organic cinnamon that’s pretty much my apple pie so the other day a friend came over and they were like oh I was like yeah I have apple pie in the refrigerator like I don’t like it you don’t put sugar in it I’m like but it’s so sweet to me it’s sweet it’s apples you cook the apples you put it in the crust you put it a crust and you put a cinnamon and you eat it here’s another one for you let’s look at athletes here’s another one for you Tim Grover um Tim Grover uh mentored Kobe Bryant Michael Jordan um during the days of basketball right and he put everybody on a sugar detox

Sugar Detox and he could tell which players were messing up the sugar detox because you get tired because of how your body reacts and what your attitude is yeah you start to have withdrawal symptoms right yup sugars yeah headaches oh my God the headaches the headaches are bad the headaches are bad yeah yeah they’re very bad very bad headaches yeah and you get tired easy you don’t have that energy you know you don’t right and headaches and energy are the biggest withdrawal of sugar definitely and you get groggy so if coaches are doing that for athletes why do we not have doctors handling the same process with us come on speak it tell the truth shame them oh my gosh yes I’m just saying I mean we we don’t have you know we don’t have doctors that are you know spending

adequate time with people on that and telling them what they need to hear because they’re only allowed a certain amount of time you know with each patient and if it’s not preventative care that you’re going in for and you need well then you got a book in another appointment if you need and think about this the way our system is Ran So if a doctor has 30 patients per day that they need to see right and they’re given 20 minutes 30 minutes max with that patient how much are you really able to cover in 20 in 15 20 minutes of an evaluation but yet you get a bill from your insurance company that they charge the insurance company 300 for a 15-minute session right yeah but then you go back because you get your LAB Works results done and then they call you and say hey I need you to come in well what happened to the good old days were you telling me on the other end of the phone what my results are and giving me a consultation that way I mean that’s what my grandfather did that’s what my mom exactly now I gotta pay another bill

now I gotta pay another bill and just to get my labs assessed and I understand time is money well we get that in the professional world but then you look at okay well I go in and I get assessed for 15 20 minutes about my labs but here’s the medication where’s the game plan of I you should look at this this and this in your diet and let’s see if you don’t you know and then we’ll retest you in 60 days think about that how about the fact how about the fact that they don’t even tell you A lot of times that you are gonna when you come in you’re gonna do Labs you’re supposed to be fasting right okay so I wasn’t told that I was doing Labs here’s my here’s my appointment we’re just general appointment here’s just you know just a checkup or whatever I ate a piece of chocolate in the morning because I hadn’t had a little piece of dark chocolate had like a couple of grams of sugar whatever I go in and I’m waiting and you know your sugar spikes I was at like a hundred and

three oh so I get in there for the results the next time oh you have pre-diabetes okay and then she’s like oh and every time you come here your blood pressure’s so high yeah because I’m I don’t want to be here I don’t want to be here so I go to another doctor and I’m in there and they take my blood pressure perfect and I’m like she’s trying to give me metformin and a high blood pressure pill but I go to another doctor we talk I’m calm they take my blood pressure it was like 117 over like 70 something I go to her it’s like 140 over like 90 something I don’t like her I don’t want to be there right building I don’t want to see them I but that’s the only person in my network that’s close to me right Network

so I hate it so every time I walk in that building my blood pressure goes up it’s called the white coat yes it is every single time and so many people are misdiagnosed thank you because when I do my blood pressure here I have a record of it I’m like one seven one Seventeen over like 70 something you know what I mean it’s like 115. and I exercise every day I have no problems with sugar I don’t like sugar I like natural sugar but I don’t like sugar right so I don’t eat a lot of it you know what I mean I may have six grams of sugar a day if any that’s it that’s impressive though you see because I don’t like it but when I go there everything goes around goes wrong so a lot of times people are misdiagnosed like you said because they’re walking in the in a place that they don’t like they don’t want to go there they don’t like the person they don’t like the the every time I’m going there I get a bad

diagnosis I I got this I got that I got that the moment I walk away and I go somewhere else I ain’t got any of that what’s the problem it’s the building it’s the doctor it’s the person it’s them and see right there see a dentist can you know because sometimes if like say you’re having tooth work done right the dentist is required if they’re gonna put you under depending on the level that they’re gonna put you under a dentist will check your blood pressure right you know and a dentist you know will say listen your your blood pressure’s a little high I understand so at the end of the procedure when you’re feeling better we’re going to retake those blood pressure readings and we’re going to stick that in your file because you know it’s good to kind of record that and see because even going to the dentist can be kind of stressful it can you know and they do take it later and I do go down I don’t go down a lot but if they take it if I go in my car and I sit down and they take it in my car it’ll be

normal right that’s what I’m saying I left bye and so you know again just like what you said you know you go in you don’t have a good experience and then it gets processed into the plan right yeah and that’s another thing I wanted to talk about is patient care really like patient care nobody really wants to discuss it but it’s like whether you’re not insured and you pay for the bill cash or you are insured and the insurance company picks up the full tab or you split the difference based on co-insurance right or co-pay less deductible you’re why are we paying for bad service exactly why are we paying for it and why are we saying yes and thinking that it should be accepted because they wear a white coat or because admin staff is hired and we get checked in and yet we get you know okay well my insurance didn’t go through it must be inactive if if somebody actually called the

insurance company you would see that what they’re saying to you is wrong and not factual yeah why are they trying to get something staff side from medical billing you go to discuss a bill and it’s a very intimidating phone call they bully you oh I’ve been a part of those calls before it’s quite interesting to see how people work right now the system is ran I gotta do one tomorrow because I already called my insurance company and they said we paid that bill I was like you paid that bill I said they said yes we paid that bill and I don’t know what they’re doing but that bill is paid and I’m like uh-huh uh-huh we gonna have that call we’re gonna have that call so yeah yeah no we you gotta double check you gotta double check you gotta double check this has been such an amazing conversation I mean we can get into it we could keep going but the but the bottom line is you got to be proactive what what do you

suggest to people with insurance that they don’t like or they have to have or they’re in office or they’re in you know what I mean all this other stuff what what do you say well here’s what I always say you know there is always opportunity to go shopping to compare contrast different plans right and there may not be a perfect plan you know because a lot of the health plans that we look at you know are gapped they have gaps in them right and there’s a bunch of holes in the policies but there’s a perfect plan for somebody it may not be you know again we all want a perfect plan where we have nothing to pay out of pocket low co-pays the world right flexible network but sometimes you know if you’re educated about actual insurance and about your health and their strategize and ways you know

to navigate through the medical system well then if that’s all you need plus you focus more on health along the way like I said if the medical system isn’t as expensive as it is we wouldn’t need insurance because that’s the real reason why we get insurance is to protect our piggy bank from the medical system let’s be real and to help us with our health so like I always say there’s not there’s there’s not a perfect plan but there is a plan for somebody and there isn’t an advocate that can be in your back pocket like myself that can help you navigate the system that we live in you know and I wish that I could get out there and reach a lot more people where I could just give them one or two tips and that could help you know solve some of the problems but that’s going to be my goal is to get to more people to just educate and just

keep spreading the light we guys should do that and we need you to do that you know we need more people like you we definitely need more people like you to help people like us who don’t understand what we’re getting ourselves into you know and and also there’s just one more thing I have to say as a person who um my husband had a job um you know he’s no longer employed with this company but he had a job where they offered to have him in their plan and I opted out because I saw that it would be locked in for 12 months and they will be taking a lot of money out of his paycheck I opted out of that and I opted to do our own through the marketplace um and so that was then this has been a couple of years but that was then but literally people can opt out they a lot of people don’t realize that yes they’re month-to-month plans they’re not contract policies right so you know you can again as your situation changes

it changes you know and a new opportunity comes you know you can have the peace of mind that you can cancel your policy anytime because it’s you’re not locked into a contract you know with an employer plan you’re locked in and you know HR departments you know they don’t want to spend a time to to take you out of their coverage okay and that’s a different conversation but you know they’re the tax for employers now of having to keep people in their plans has been you know abolished since 2019 and think about that we still have employers operating from a law that no longer exist anymore you know since 2019 that are still forcing people to take their policies yeah yeah and I told my husband no no you’re not taking that plan and they will they kept sending me paperwork no he’s not taking that plan he already has a plan thank you exactly you can refuse

it you can definitely refuse it I want to thank you so much is there anything we missed today that you would like to make known to the people who are listening Yes actually um you know sometimes you know when you know you’re working with an agent or you’re working with a health broker you know there’s more than one person you can go to but us as agents you know our job and Mission is you know to do right by the client to educate you guide you about insurance help you with claims help you navigate you know what you need and aside from that not being done most cases there are people like me out there that can and that will go the extra mile for you you know that that will go out there take the time to educate you on the medical system that will take the time to work with you on claims and offer you know any advice that I can you know from linking you with doctors whatever I got to do because the end result is about you not me

and if we operate on a relationship standpoint versus a what’s in your pocket standpoint well that makes relationship building and patient care handling and you know helping other people every day you know which is the Mission of Hope You Know so much worth it foreign yeah yeah it’s all about caring about the person’s health I wish you nothing but the best health that that is what that is what I’m thinking that’s the way it should be unfortunately we have to you know yeah like you to make sure that we are getting that because through great health think about it through grade health you can be successful You Can level up you can have a lifestyle that you didn’t think about and you can see and help other people through your experiences and guess what that’s just it takes a tribe to help others and it takes a tribe to spread the light and it takes a tribe to get

out there and really do the mission of helping other people every day in some small way and think about that think about if we were all successful and we all weren’t broke because we lived in a system that wasn’t crippling us right yeah thank you yeah I I can Envision it I hope one day that we reach that Plateau that would be amazing um that everyone had what they needed and that we could help everyone else that didn’t it’d be amazing that would be amazing that would be the day that would be the day that I would have been like I would be like I’m proud to be living yeah yeah because it’s reality our natural state our natural state is to be healthy right our Natural State we are not meant to be broke we are not meant to be sick we are meant to you know make a difference change lives and we’re really meant to

you know go through the process of you know being abundant and and what we’re living in right now is the opposite of what we were created to be yes and I believe that wow we’ve been talking so long but I mean this is such a big topic you know health is a big topic how can people reach you and can they reach out to you no matter where they are in the United States absolutely so um I have an Instagram page it is cat underscore the health Wizard and in my um there’s more than one way to contact me outside of DM there’s my phone number as well as a direct booking link yes uh so we’re going to have all of that information in the description box below so that it’ll be easy for you guys to reach cat you know there’s just certain things that we need to Aspire for and health is just one of the main things I mean when you have health you have longevity you have uh you know you have a better life quality you can have a
better relationship with your partners you know you can have a better relationship with your children and your family can live a long life and food doesn’t have to be poisonous it could be an enjoyable moment for everyone it takes time to get off of these poisonous foods but we can do it and I think that cat really has a great Mission and so I I applaud you cat for being on the show and for coming on and telling us about your mission and also advising us that if we did get healthy we as the people could put the system on its knees I want to thank you guys so much for tuning in don’t forget to dare to be different and don’t forget to contact cat if you need her and until next time guys bye [Music] again



The Yaya Diamond
The Yaya Diamond

Written by The Yaya Diamond

Comcast TV host, Times Square Marketer, podcaster, TV show host, and Entertainer Yaya Diamond. She is an expert interviewer and host for over 10 years.

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