Author Vicki Mizel on how to Retrieve, Enhance, Cherish: Reclaim Your Memories! (Youtube interview)
Vicki Mizel was trained as an educator and public speaker. She began teaching the Brain Sprout’s Memory Method in 1980 to school children in public high schools. Within a short time she trained executives in Fortune 500 corporations such as IBM, Rolm, Prudential, Hewlett Packard; taught through community college, both seniors and Alzheimer’s patients; and gave public seminars nationally and internationally. She also produced a highly successful audio-tape/CD program on memory training.
After 20 years of teaching and training, Mizel returned to graduate school to receive her Master’s degree in psychology. She now offers her programs to therapists, heath care practitioners, medical facilities, spouses and caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients and their loved ones. She also trains actors with learning scripts and characterization.
Mizel also assists individuals, pre-retirees and companies through career transition with her program, “Passion Quest: Finding the Work You Love and Loving The Work You Do! “She is the author of the book, “Brain Sprouts: Love Remembers.” This book is the culmination of her knowledge and expertise, offered to the reader in her belief that we can all retrieve, enhance and cherish our memories. (A guide to help caregivers and spouses of Alzheimer’s loved ones.)