A Refreshing Look at Easier Times: Paul Neel Jr on the Peanuts of Ozark Hills — Interview (Youtube)
Peanuts of the Ozark Hills is a collection of true stories about a boy who had the nickname Peanuts. The Ozark Hills is the region of Missouri where he was born and raised in the early 1930s. The stories in this book are actual things and experiences that took place in Peanuts’s life. This book will take you back to a simpler time and a simpler way of life in the Ozark Hills. Reading of his adventures may even give you a chuckle or two, but it is not meant to give young people any ideas. But they will truly enjoy it, or so his grandson says. https://www.podserve.fm/w/yayadiamond Explore simpler times with Paul Neel, Jr.’s books, podcasts, and Amazon store! Uncover the hidden charm of life in the Ozark Hills through his stories.